Reusable Sign Riders
ListReports offers Reusable Short Codes to all of our Elite subscribers and their paired agents. We use a patent-pending geolocation technology that will allow you to choose your CUSTOM shortcode and order ONE Sign Rider that will work for ALL of your future listings! No more buying a new sign rider for each listing—it's one and done.
You can choose and assign your own custom shortcode from your Profile on your ListReports dashboard. Once you've chosen a code, place your order for your new Reusable Sign Rider.
To watch a brief video on how ListReports Reusable Sign Riders work, click here.
+ Who can order reusable sign riders?
Reusable Short Codes & Sign Riders are only available to Elite users and their paired agents.
+ How can I get custom shortcodes?
Elite Loan Officers and their paired can set their custom short code in the Profile section on their dashboard:
- Custom Short Codes are first come, first served
- 10 character limit
- Alpha-numeric, No Special Characters (!%$)
- Reusable Sign Riders are NOT attached to a specific report. These live independently and will NOT be a part of the general 25+ ListReports marketing suite. The physical material is generated separately on the backend by ListReports staff.
+ Are there any other options besides full color?
Yes! We offer 3 different style choices: full color, 2 color, and 1 color:
+ Can I change the color palette for sign riders?
Yes! We offer over 40 different color themes.
PLEASE NOTE: The cost of shipping is included for any address in the contiguous United States. For shipping to AK and HI, an additional fee applies, which varies upon location. Once we receive an order from AK or HI, we will get a quote and send it to you for approval. For any questions, please contact us at
Single Use Sign Riders
Single Use Sign Riders enhance the signs you are already using to promote your listing or open house. Prospects text the shortcode on the sign rider and receive beautiful marketing material on their smartphones.
+ Can I reuse single use sign riders?
Currently, single-use sign riders are NOT recyclable as each text code is associated with a specific property website address. We do, however, offer reusable sign riders for our Elite Loan Officers and their paired agents.
+ Can I order generic sign riders and fill the code in myself?
We don't offer generic "fill in text#" sign riders for single use sign riders. As a reminder, when ordering sign riders, please be sure to create only one ListReport for a listing and make revisions to that report vs. creating a new one. This will ensure that the text code ordered is the correct one.
+ How do I order single use sign riders?
Ordering single use sign riders is really easy! Once a ListReport has been created and a Loan Officer is attached, either party can order directly from our online Shop.
To order, click purchase and provide the following order form info:
- Name (who sign rider ships to)
- Property listing address
- Shipping address and phone #
- Template (full color, 2 color, or 1 color)
Then, click purchase, review your total cost and fill in:
- Your contact information
- Your credit card information
Single use sign riders are $30 each.
As a reminder, when ordering single use sign riders, please be sure to create only one ListReport for a listing and make revisions to that report vs. creating a new one. This will ensure that the text code ordered is the correct one.
PLEASE NOTE: The cost of shipping is included for any address in the contiguous United States. For shipping to AK and HI, an additional fee applies, which varies upon location. Once we receive an order from AK or HI, we will get a quote and send it to you for approval. For any questions, please contact us at
+ How long will it take to get my sign rider?
UPS ground shipping ranges from one to four business days, depending on your location.
As a reminder, when ordering sign riders, please be sure to create only one ListReport for a listing and make revisions to that report vs. creating a new one. This will ensure that the text code ordered is the correct one.
+ What size are the sign riders? What material are sign riders? How do sign riders attach to signs?
Sign riders are 24" x 6" printed on 4mm thick coroplast (corrugated plastic). Without holes, the sign rider sits on top of your sign, usually by sliding in between two brackets.
Having holes punched is optional at no extra charge. You can either have them punched at the top, to hang your rider from underneath your sign, or at the top and bottom, which gives you the ability to stack your riders.
As a reminder, when ordering sign riders, please be sure to create only one ListReport for a listing and make revisions to that report vs. creating a new one. This will ensure that the text code ordered is the correct one.
+ Can I print my own sign riders?
Yes, you can have your sign riders printed at your local shop. However, please note that the file does not contain bleeds (your printer will know what that means.)
+ Are there any other style options besides full color?
Yes! We offer 3 different style choices: full color, 2 color, and 1 color:
+ Can I change the color palette for sign riders?
Sorry, this is not doable. Sign riders are tied to the color palettes associated with all your ListReports materials. If we were to change the color of the Single Use Sign Rider, all of your materials would change as well.
+ How long should it take to get my order processed?
Our production hours are from 9AM—5PM Central Time Monday through Friday. If your request is made before 2:30pm CST, you can expect to have your order processed the same day. If you submit your order after 2:30 CST or outside of our regular Production Hours, you can expect your ListReports order to be processed next business day.
Facebook FastBlasts
Facebook FastBlasts are perfect for promoting your Open House, Just Listed, or Just Sold on Facebook. We take care of all the hard work for you including creating the ad, setting up the target audience, and even the reporting afterward.
+ What is a Facebook FastBlast?
The ListReports Facebook Fastblast is a fantastic way to promote a new listing or open house on social media. For an additional charge, ListReports will build your ad and launch a Facebook campaign on your behalf. For more information, please visit our Shop.
+ I have a question that was not answered above!
We’re here to help! If your question was not addressed in the information above, simply send us a message via the contact form on your dashboard.
Postcards & Flyers
Did you know that you can order postcards and flyers too? Just open one of your completed ListReports and click the "ORDER" button. After that, you'll be able to choose sizes, print type, and postage. You also have the option to add your own address list or purchase one!